Australian Hydrogen Roadmap released by CSIRO

The report states that the opportunity for hydrogen to compete favorably on a cost basis in local applications such as transport and remote area power systems is within reach based on potential cost reductions to 2025. Further, the development of a hydrogen export industry represents a significant opportunity for Australia and a potential ‘game changer’ for the local industry and the broader energy sector due to associated increases in scale.

The report explores production, storage and utilization, including the use in transport.


Hydrogefuelled transport represents an early target market in the development of a hydrogen industry. This is particularly true if there is a zero emissions or air quality target for the sector, given the applicability of hydrogen to all forms of transport. In the passenger vehicle market, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) represent a potentially more favourable option (compared with battery electric vehicles (BEVs)) for consumers that travel longer distances (i.e. 400-600km without refuelling) and expect shorter refuelling times. For heavier vehicles such as buses and trucks with stringent payloads, the relative weight of hydrogen (compared with batteries) also allows for greater distances travelled without the need for refuelling. The primary barriers to market however are the current capital cost of FCEVs and lack of infrastructure supporting their use.”

“Deployment of refuelling stations require a high degree of coordination between station operators and car manufacturers (i.e. to match hydrogen supply and demand)”.(GGM Note: coordination MUST include standardization bodies)

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